Unless there are limitations specified in the terms of your employment , there is no limit to the amount you can salary . Even if you have a casual job , your employer must pay you super. Pre-tax super contributions: salary sacrifice. If you can salary sacrifice (and you know how much, how often and when you want to do it), contact your payroll team at work to find out what information they need . Save on tax and grow your savings – salary sacrifice to super.

Salary sacrifice is an arrangement between you and your employer to contribute a. Start putting pre-tax salary into your super now, to avoid sacrifices down the road. What is salary sacrificing and how does it work ? When you “sacrifice” some of . May According to the ATO, when you salary sacrifice , your employer is entitled to calculate your 9. The key to tax-effective salary sacrifice is for the employee to take some of. Example: Say an individual earns $100a year and wants to buy a new car for work. If salary sacrificed super contributions are made to a complying super fun . Making additional contributions to your super is one way to help you maximise your income in retirement. Instea this extra contribution is taken from your pay and put into your super.
Pre -tax salary sacrifice = more money for your retirement.